19. Updating the State with the Fetched Data

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In the current implementation of getVisibleTodos inside of todos.js, we keep all todos in memory. We have an array of all ids ever and we get the array of todos that we can filter according to the filter passed from React Router.

Current getVisibleTodos

export const getVisibleTodos = (state, filter) => {
  const allTodos = getAllTodos(state);
  switch (filter) {
    case 'all':
      return allTodos;
    case 'completed':
      return allTodos.filter(t => t.completed);
    case 'active':
      return allTodos.filter(t => !t.completed);
      throw new Error(`Unknown filter: ${filter}.`);

However, this only works correctly if all the data from the server is already available in the client, which is usually not the case with applications that fetch something. If we have thousands of todos on the server, it would be impractical to fetch them all and filter them on the client.

Refactoring getVisibleTodos

Rather than keep one big list of ids, we'll keep a list of ids for every filter's tab so that they can be stored separately and filled according to the actions with the fetched data.

We'll remove the getAllTodos selector because we won't have access to allTodos. We also don't need to filter on the client anymore because we will use the list of todos provided by the server. This means we can remove our switch statement from the current implementation.

Instead of reading from state.allIds, we will read the IDs from state.IdsByFilter[filter]. Then we will map the ids to the state.ById lookup table to get the actual todos.

Updated getVisibleTodos

export const getVisibleTodos = (state, filter) => {
  const ids = state.idsByFilter[filter];
  return ids.map(id => state.byId[id]);

Refactoring todos

The selector now expects idsByFilter and byId to be part of the combined state of the todos reducer.

todos Reducer Before:

const todos = combineReducers({

The todos reducer used to combine the lookup table and a list of allIds. Now, though, we'll replace the lis of allIds with the list of idsByFilter, which will be a new combined reducer.

todos Reducer After:

const todos = combineReducers({

Creating idsByFilter

idsByFilter combines a separate list of ids for every filter. So it's allIds for the all filter, activeIds for the active filter, and completedIDs for the completed filter.

const idsByFilter = combineReducers({
  all: allIds,
  active: activeIds,
  completed: completedIds,

Updating the allIds Reducer

The original allIDs reducer managed an array of IDs and the ADD_TODO action.

We are going to take this responsibility away for now, because for now we want to teach it to respond to the data fetched from the server.

allIds Before:

const allIds = (state = [], action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'ADD_TODO':
      return [...state, action.id];
      return state;

We'll start by renaming ADD_TODO to RECEIVE_TODOS. In order to handle the RECEIVE_TODOS action, we want to return a new array of todos that we'll get from the server response. We'll map this new array of todos to a function that just selects an id from the todo. Recall that we decided to keep all IDs separate from active IDs and completed IDs, so they are fetched completely independently.

allIds After:

const allIds = (state = [], action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'RECEIVE_TODOS':
      return action.response.map(todo => todo.id);
      return state;

Creating the activeIds Reducer

Our activeIds reducer will also keep track of an array of ids, but only for todos on the active tab. We will need to handle the RECEIVE_TODOS action in exactly the same way as the allIds reducer before it.

const activeIds = (state = [], action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'RECEIVE_TODOS':
      return action.response.map(todo => todo.id);
      return state;

Updating the Correct Array

Both activeIds and allIds need to return a new state when the RECEIVE_TODOS action fires, but we need to have a way of telling which id array we should update.

If you recall the RECEIVE_TODOS action, you might remember that we passed the filter as part of the action. This lets us compare the filter inside the action with a filter corresponding to the reducer.

The allIds reducer is only interested in the actions with the all filter, and the activeIds is only interested in the active filter.

activeIds Reducer

const activeIds = (state = [], action) => {
  if (action.filter !== 'active') {
    return state;
  // rest of code as above

Repeat for allIds but remember to replace active with all

Creating the completedIds Reducer

This reducer is the same as our other filter reducers, but for the complete filter.

const completedIds = (state = [], action) => {
  if (action.filter !== 'completed') {
    return state;
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'RECEIVE_TODOS':
      return action.response.map(todo => todo.id);
      return state;

Updating the byId Reducer

Now that we have reducers that managing the ids, we need to update the byId reducer to actually handle the new todos from the response.

byId Before:

const byId = (state = {}, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'ADD_TODO':
    case 'TOGGLE_TODO':
      return {
        [action.id]: todo(state[action.id], action),
      return state;

We can start by removing the existing cases because the data does not live locally anymore. Instead, we will handle the RECEIVE_TODOS action just in the other reducers.

Then we'll create nextState, a shallow copy of the state object which corresponds to the lookup table. We want to iterate through every todo object in the response and put it into our nextState.

We'll replace whatever is in nextState's entry for todo.id with the new todo we just fetched.

Finally, we'll return the next version of the lookup table from our reducer.

byId After:

const byId = (state = {}, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'RECEIVE_TODOS': // eslint-disable-line no-case-declarations
      const nextState = { ...state };
      action.response.forEach(todo => {
        nextState[todo.id] = todo;
      return nextState;
      return state;

Note: Normally the assignment operation is a mutation. However, in this case it's fine because nextState is a shallow copy, and we're only assigning one level deep. Our function stays pure because we're not modifying any of the original state objects.

Finishing Up

As the last step, we can remove the import of todo.js as well as the file itself from our project, because the logic for adding and toggling todos will be implemented as API calls to the server in the future lessons.

Recap at 5:22 in video

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